Tina Jones Gastrointestinal Objective Data - She noticed the pain about a month ago. Tina jones gastrointestinal objective data collection , sep 29, 2025 Tina jones gastrointestinal objective data collection. Document content and description below. View tina jones abdominal objective data. pdf from nur 310 at goodwin college. 10/27/2025 abdominal | completed | shadow health abdominal results | completed health. Does alcohol make your. Can you rate your current stomach pain on a scale of 0 to 10?. Asking tina if she has pain on the right side of her stomach will help you to determine precisely where her pain is located. Do you have pain on the right side of your. 18 of 18 (100%) inspected skin turgor. 1 of 1 point. Observations (1/1 point) no tenting tenting. 1 of 1 point. Symmetry (1/3 point) symmetric asymmetric. Contour (1/3 point) flat. Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient. A combination of open and closed questions will yie better patient data. 31 of 31 (100. 0%) hover to reveal. Hover over the patient data items below to reveal important information, including pro tips and example questions. Want to read all 4 pages?
She noticed the pain about a month ago. Tina jones gastrointestinal objective data collection , sep 29, 2025 Tina jones gastrointestinal objective data collection. Document content and description below. View tina jones abdominal objective data. pdf from nur 310 at goodwin college. 10/27/2025 abdominal | completed | shadow health abdominal results | completed health.